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Gas Insulated Switchgears (GIS) have attained a very high degree of reliability and availability. Nevertheless, failures cannot totally be excluded, as shown by service experience. Besides manufacturing, defects may be induced during transport and installation or by aging, in the course of time. Such defects shall be found as early as possible, in any case before an outage is caused. ALTANOVAs Partial discharge (PD) monitoring system is based on the patented T/F-map technology for unsurpassed noise suppression. Hereby ALTANOVA uses the internal UHF sensors provided by the OEM of the GIS or offers a complete range of external sensors for PD analysis in GIS with accessories, developed and optimized for best sensitivity and maximum flexibility. ALTANOVA also supports GIS OEMs worldwide with the design and development of internal UF sensors. The CBM system of ALTANOVA helps to prevent failure of a circuit breaker to perform this duty which may cause major damage in the network, its components and interruption of power supply. For more detailed information of the CBM please go here. For the SF6 monitoring of density and temperature trends ALTANOVA integrates third party sensors into the monitoring system providing an early waring once given thresholds are exceeded. Furthermore, the battery status of the substation battery can be integrated as well. All parameters of the PDM, CBM, SF6 and battery status are presented on one integrated HMI – the TiScada.